class GObject::TypeValueTable


The #GTypeValueTable provides the functions required by the #GValue implementation, to serve as a container for values of a type.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Pointer(Void), transfer : GICrystal::Transfer) #

def : GObject::ValueInit? = nil, value_free : GObject::ValueFree? = nil, value_copy : GObject::ValueCopy? = nil, value_peek_pointer : GObject::ValuePeekPointer? = nil, collect_format : String? = nil, collect_value : GObject::CollectValue? = nil, lcopy_format : String? = nil, lcopy_value : GObject::LcopyValue? = nil) #

Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : self) : Bool #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns true if this reference is the same as other. Invokes same?.

def collect_format : String? #

def collect_format! #

def collect_format=(value : String?) #

def collect_value : GObject::CollectValue #

def collect_value=(value : GObject::CollectValue) #

def lcopy_format : String? #

def lcopy_format! #

def lcopy_format=(value : String?) #

def lcopy_value : GObject::LcopyValue #

def lcopy_value=(value : GObject::LcopyValue) #

def to_unsafe #

def value_copy : GObject::ValueCopy #

def value_copy=(value : GObject::ValueCopy) #

def value_free : GObject::ValueFree #

def value_free=(value : GObject::ValueFree) #

def value_init : GObject::ValueInit #

def value_init=(value : GObject::ValueInit) #

def value_peek_pointer : GObject::ValuePeekPointer #

def value_peek_pointer=(value : GObject::ValuePeekPointer) #