enum GLib::OptionArg


The #GOptionArg enum values determine which type of extra argument the options expect to find. If an option expects an extra argument, it can be specified in several ways; with a short option: -x arg, with a long option: --name arg or combined in a single argument: --name=arg.

Defined in:


Enum Members

None = 0_u32

No extra argument. This is useful for simple flags.

String = 1_u32

The option takes a UTF-8 string argument.

Int = 2_u32

The option takes an integer argument.

Callback = 3_u32

The option provides a callback (of type #GOptionArgFunc) to parse the extra argument.

Filename = 4_u32

The option takes a filename as argument, which will be in the GLib filename encoding rather than UTF-8.

StringArray = 5_u32

The option takes a string argument, multiple uses of the option are collected into an array of strings.

FilenameArray = 6_u32

The option takes a filename as argument, multiple uses of the option are collected into an array of strings.

Double = 7_u32

The option takes a double argument. The argument can be formatted either for the user's locale or for the "C" locale. Since 2.12

Int64 = 8_u32

The option takes a 64-bit integer. Like %G_OPTION_ARG_INT but for larger numbers. The number can be in decimal base, or in hexadecimal (when prefixed with 0x, for example, 0xffffffff). Since 2.12

Instance Method Summary

Class methods inherited from struct Enum

g_type : UInt64 g_type

Instance Method Detail

def callback? #

def double? #

def filename? #

def filename_array? #

def int64? #

def int? #

def none? #

def string? #

def string_array? #