class GObject::TypeInfo


This structure is used to provide the type system with the information required to initialize and destruct (finalize) a type's class and its instances.

The initialized structure is passed to the g_type_register_static() function (or is copied into the provided #GTypeInfo structure in the g_type_plugin_complete_type_info()). The type system will perform a deep copy of this structure, so its memory does not need to be persistent across invocation of g_type_register_static().

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Pointer(Void), transfer : GICrystal::Transfer) #

def : UInt16? = nil, base_init : GObject::BaseInitFunc? = nil, base_finalize : GObject::BaseFinalizeFunc? = nil, class_init : GObject::ClassInitFunc? = nil, class_finalize : GObject::ClassFinalizeFunc? = nil, class_data : Pointer(Void)? = nil, instance_size : UInt16? = nil, n_preallocs : UInt16? = nil, instance_init : GObject::InstanceInitFunc? = nil, value_table : GObject::TypeValueTable? = nil) #

Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : self) : Bool #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns true if this reference is the same as other. Invokes same?.

def base_finalize : GObject::BaseFinalizeFunc #

def base_finalize=(value : GObject::BaseFinalizeFunc) #

def base_init : GObject::BaseInitFunc #

def base_init=(value : GObject::BaseInitFunc) #

def class_data : Pointer(Void)? #

def class_data! #

def class_data=(value : Pointer(Void)?) #

def class_finalize : GObject::ClassFinalizeFunc #

def class_finalize=(value : GObject::ClassFinalizeFunc) #

def class_init : GObject::ClassInitFunc #

def class_init=(value : GObject::ClassInitFunc) #

def class_size : UInt16 #

def class_size=(value : UInt16) #

def instance_init : GObject::InstanceInitFunc #

def instance_init=(value : GObject::InstanceInitFunc) #

def instance_size : UInt16 #

def instance_size=(value : UInt16) #

def n_preallocs : UInt16 #

def n_preallocs=(value : UInt16) #

def to_unsafe #

def value_table : GObject::TypeValueTable? #

def value_table! #

def value_table=(value : GObject::TypeValueTable?) #